The little church with the big heart
Missions are at the core of our belief at Fallsington United Methodist Church. We are committed to helping those less fortunate in our community and around the world. Realizing that Jesus works through us, as his hands and feet on Earth, we are proud to support the following ongoing missions:
Advocates for the Homeless and Those in Need (AHTN)
AHTN is a interfaith ministry in Lower Bucks County that helps the homeless and those at risk of being homeless. The missions include the Code Blue winter shelter program; Wheels to Meals transportation to shared meals provided by community churches; Rejuvenation Station shower program; and the Those In Need discretionary fund. Fallsington UMC fully supports AHTN with donations and volunteers for their mission programs.
Food for Friends Shared Meal
Fallsington UMC provides a free meal for the homeless and those in need the first Monday of each month at 6 pm. This is part of a program carried forth by 28 local churches, each providing a meal once a month. “Those in need” includes not just the homeless and those with financial need, but also anyone who wants to join others for a meal and fellowship including families, seniors and others.
We feel this meal is a wonderful way to not only feed those in the community who need it but to also provide fellowship allowing them to feel loved and supported. If you or your group would like to host a meal, or simply help out, please contact the church office.
Joyful Noise Collection
On the third Sunday of each month, our Sunday School children collect change from the congregation to support monthly needs and projects. The projects supported are local, national and international causes. There may be a local family in need, a community that needs help because of a disaster, a local or national non-profit, or an UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) program. We have found this to not only be a great way to help others, but to also instill in our youth at a young age the value of giving to others.
Holiday Food Baskets
At Easter and Thanksgiving we provide food baskets for 10-12 area families in need. A table is placed in the Narthex with cards with the name of a food item. Congregation members take a card or two and replace them with the food item requested. Our Missions Committee works with local school nurses to make sure our baskets reach local families in need. If you would like to be considered for a holiday food basket, or know a family in need, please call the church office at 215-295-1379.
Angel Tree
During the Christmas season we provide new clothing as Christmas gifts to area children in need. Members of our congregation choose an angel from our Angel Tree, displayed in the Narthex, with angels representing a gift for a boy or girl. Each angel indicates a type of clothing and the sizes and ages of the child that will receive the gift item. Congregation members then purchase the gift listed on the angel, then wrap the gift, attach the angel to the package, and leave the gift in the Narthex. Local school children are the recipients of the gifts.
Throughout the year we collect money and supplies to benefit the relief efforts of the United Methodist Committee on Relief. As the humanitarian relief and development arm of The United Methodist Church, UMCOR strengthens and transforms people and communities. Compelled by Christ to be a voice of conscience on behalf of the people called Methodist, UMCOR works globally to alleviate human suffering and advance hope and healing. For more information on how you can help UMCOR, visit
Other Mission Projects
Over the years, Fallsington United Methodist Church has participated in a variety of mission programs, including:
Back-to-School Collections of backpacks and school supplies to be distributed to local school children.
Baby Bundles - We have partnered with the Girl Scouts and Brownies to collect various baby items for distribution to area families in need through the Red Cross Homeless shelter.
UNICEF - At Halloween, our Sunday School children sometimes trick-or-treat for UNICEF, which advocates for the development, equality, and health of children around the world.
Collections for Missions Fundraising
Collection of the following items benefits the Mission Committee with their many projects during the year. The following donations make it possible for everyone to participate in missions:
Brown’s Shoprite Receipts is an ongoing, year-round Mission Project. Save all of your receipts (Brown’s Shoprite only) and bring them into church, or place them in the drop box on the side door. The church is refunded a certain percentage of the total receipt value which is used by the Missions Committee for their monthly projects throughout the year. Check with your friends and neighbors to also save theirs for you!
Cell Phone Collection - We collect old cell phones to benefit senior citizens. Please donate your used cell phones to this worthwhile mission.
Ronald McDonald Collections - We collect aluminum flip-tops to benefit the efforts of the Ronald McDonald House.
If you would like to be a part of missions at FUMC, please call our church office at 215-295-1379 for more information.
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”