FUMC is the Recipient of the One Matters Award
The One Matters Award, sponsored by the United Methodist Church's Discipleship Ministries agency, was recently awarded to Fallsington United Methodist Church. Pastor Joe Martin received the award in April 2023 from Dr. Andrew L. Foster, III, District Superintendant, East District of the Eastern Pennsylvania Conference of The United Methodist Church. This award recognizes churches and their leaders who have successfully achieved a turnaround in growth by making disciples of Jesus Christ through new professions of faith and baptisms.
Bishop Peggy Johnson visits FUMC
On Sunday, March 4, 2018, Fallsington United Methodist Church (FUMC) was honored to welcome Bishop Peggy Johnson and Deacon Ron Shane to help celebrate the FUMC's 150th anniversary. Bishop Johnson's message, "Light for Fallsington in the Future," spoke of the light of Christ which shines in our lives and is spread through the church's outreach to others. The service was led by the congregation's youth group. Special music was provided by FUMC's worship choir and soloist Marta Zaliznyak, who sang "O Divine Redeemer" to a standing ovation. The Bishop's husband, the Rev. Michael C. Johnson, was also in attendance and authored the special words spoken during the Sacrament of Holy Communion which was held during the service. Deacon Ron Shane spoke to the congregation about the role of deacons in the United Methodist Church. Following the worship service, a luncheon was served in the church's Fellowship Hall.
About Bishop Peggy Johnson
Bishop Peggy A. Johnson is a native of Baltimore, MD and serves as the episcopal leader of the Philadelphia Area of the United Methodist Church, which includes the Eastern Pennsylvania Annual Conference and the Peninsula-Delaware Annual Conference. She received a Bachelor of Science degree from Lebanon Valley College, a Master of Divinity from Asbury Theological Seminary and a Doctor of Ministry degree from Wesley Theological Seminary. Prior to her election to the episcopacy in 2008, she served as a pastor in the Baltimore-Washington Conference since 1980. Her churches included a 4-point rural circuit in Frederick, MD, a suburban Baltimore congregation; a campus ministry at Gallaudet University; and for 20 years she was the pastor of the Christ UMC of the Deaf. Bishop Johnson has a particular passion for ministry with people with disabilities. During her tenure as a bishop, she has served as a board member on the Commission of the Status ad Role of Women and on the General Board of Church and Society. She authored a UMW "Mission U" study book: "The Church and Disabilities" in 2014. She is married to the Rev. Michael C. Johnson, a United Methodist pastor, and they have two adult sons, Peter and Gabriel.
Fallsington United Methodist Church Receives Proclamation from Falls Township Board of Supervisors
On Tuesday, April 4, 2018, Pastor Joe Martin and members of Fallsington United Methodist Church's congregation attended the Falls Township Board of Supervisor's meeting, where the church was presented with a proclamation in honor of the Church's 150th anniversary. The proclamation expresses the Board's sincere congratulations and gratitude for FUMC's 150 years of dedication and service to the community.
FUMC Welcomes Rev. Amy Banka as Guest Pastor on April 8, 2018
Rev. Amy Banka
On Sunday, April 8, 2018, Rev. Amy Banka returned to FUMC as a guest pastor welcomed "home" in honor of our church's 150th anniversary. Amy delivered a heartfelt sermon, "Every Knee Shall Bow" giving testimony of her love for our Lord, Jesus Christ. The congregation confirmed Amy's message of honor and glory to Jesus Christ as they declared to one another, "Jesus is Lord. He is Lord of All." Holy Communion was celebrated during the worship service. Food and fellowship followed the service in Fellowship Hall.
About Rev. Amy Banka
Pastor Amy served as pastor here at Fallsington from 2005-2010. On July 1, 2018, Pastor Amy was appointed to the position of Senior Pastor of Hopewell UMC.
Amy Banka joined the Hopewell staff in June 2014 as the Pastor of Young Adults and Leadership Development. In 2016 she became an Associate Pastor. An ordained elder in the United Methodist Church, Amy enjoys finding new, creative ways to present the Word of God and celebrate God's presence in worship. She is passionate about the transformational power and presence of Jesus Christ and looks forward to sharing that passion in and around the Downingtown area.
Originally from Philadelphia, Amy graduated from Arcadia University in 1996 with a BA in English and in 1998 with a MA in English. Before becoming a pastor, Amy worked as a freelance copy editor and as an instructor at Drexel University. Upon hearing the call to pastoral ministry, she attended and later graduated from Palmer Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree. Since then, she has served Johnson Memorial United Methodist Church (Philadelphia), Fallsington United Methodist Church (Bucks County), and Faith United Methodist Church (Stroudsburg).
Amy married her husband, Michael, in May 1999, and they have two daughters, Grace and Emily.